ISO 18934-2006 成像材料.多媒体档案.储存环境

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标准号:ISO 18934-2006
英文名称:Imaging materials - Multiple media archives - Storage environment
被替代标准:ISO 18934-2011
代替标准:ISO/DIS 18934-2004
采用标准:BS ISO 18934-2006,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 42
标准简介:This International Standard provides suggested guidelines for four temperature and humidity
macroenvironments for archives that contain a variety of recording media, based on the corresponding ISO
storage standards for those media. Whenever possible, it is advisable to follow the storage environments in
the ISO storage standards. This International Standard does not replace these ISO storage standards. In
addition to environment recommendations, those standards also include other vital information pertinent for
the long-term keeping of recording materials, such as inspection, housing, and handling guidelines. Although
microenvironments within a storage enclosure can be dependent upon the macroenvironment, they are not
the focus of this International Standard.
The storage of traditional paper collections is not within the scope of this International Standard. However,
many archives containing mixed recording media also include such collections. Archivists are encouraged to
review the appropriate standards (see References [1] and [2] in the Bibliography) for those materials.
Nitrate-base photographic films are also included in this International Standard, since they are often stored
together with other materials in spite of the fact that nitrate films represent a fire hazard and they need to be
stored in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association standard[3] in the United States, or other
applicable national standards. Moreover, fumes from decomposing nitrate film and acetate-base film can have
very detrimental effects on other materials stored in the same area.[11] It is necessary to isolate such films in a
separate storage area.

ISO 18934-2006 成像材料.多媒体档案.储存环境.pdf (187.73 KB)

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