ISO 12647-6-2006 印刷技术.网目调分色片、样张及印刷成品的生产过程控制.第6部分:苯胺印刷

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标准号:ISO 12647-6-2006
英文名称:Graphic technology - Process control for the production of half-tone colour separations, proofs and production prints - Part 6: Flexographic printing
被替代标准:ISO 12647-6-2012
代替标准:ISO/DIS 12647-6-2005
采用标准:BS ISO 12647-6-2006,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 130
标准简介:This part of ISO 12647 specifies a number of process parameters and their values to be applied to four-colour process printing by the flexographic printing process for packaging and publication, excluding newsprinting. The parameters and values are chosen in view ofthe complete process covering the process stages "colour separation", "film setting", "making of the printing forme", "proof production", "production printing" and "surface finishing". This covers printing on printing substrates which are nearly white or on films to which a white coating has been applied.
This part of ISO 12647 is directly applicable to:
—   publication  flexographic  printing  including  magazines,  catalogues  and  commercial  materials,  and packaging flexographic printing including labels, boxes and flexible packages;
—   half-tone and continuous tone proofing processes that predict the colorimetric results of flexograhic printing.

ISO 12647-6-2006 印刷技术.网目调分色片、样张及印刷成品的生产过程控制.第6部分_苯胺印刷.pdf (210.18 KB)

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