ISO 14934-2-2006 燃烧试验.热流仪的校准和使用.第2部分:主要校准办法

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标准号:ISO 14934-2-2006
英文名称:Fire tests - Calibration and use of heat flux meters - Part 2: Primary calibration methods
被替代标准:ISO 14934-2-2013
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 14934-2-2005
采用标准:NF X65-011-2-2006,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 92
标准简介:This part of ISO 14934 describes three methods for calibration of total hemispherical radiometers and total
heat flux meters that are exposed to a well-defined radiation from a radiant heat source. The equipment is
designed to minimize influences due to convective heat transfer during calibration. It is important to note that
when the instruments are used in practice they measure a combination of radiant and convective heat
transfers. The latter will depend on the design of the heat flux meter, the orientation, local temperature and
flow conditions, and on the temperature of the cooling water.

ISO 14934-2-2006 燃烧试验.热流仪的校准和使用.第2部分_主要校准办法.pdf (645.26 KB)

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