ISO 8217-2005 石油产品.燃料(F类).船用燃料规范

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标准号:ISO 8217-2005
英文名称:Petroleum products - Fuels (class F) - Specifications of marine fuels
被替代标准:ISO 8217-2010
代替标准:ISO 8217-1996;ISO/FDIS 8217-2005
采用标准:DIN ISO 8217-2009,IDT;DIN ISO 8217-2008,IDT;BS ISO 8217-2006,IDT;NF M15-016-2006,IDT;GOST R ISO 8178-5-2009,MOD
起草单位:ISO/TC 28
标准简介:This International Standard specifies the requirements for petroleum fuels for use in marine diesel engines and boilers, prior to appropriate treatment before use.
This International Standard specifies four categories of distillate fuel, one of which is for diesel engines for emergency purposes. It also specifies ten categories of residual fuel.
NOTE 1   For the purpose of this International Standard, the term "petroleum" is used to include oil from tar sands and from shale.
NOTE 2   Appropriate guidance about fuel treatment systems for diesel engines is published by the International Council on Combustion Engines (CIMAC) (see Reference [9]).
NOTE 3   Requirements for gas turbine fuels used in marine applications are specified in ISO 4261<up[1]>.
The specifications for marine residual fuels in this International Standard can also be applicable to stationary diesel engines of the same or similar make and type as those used for marine purposes.

ISO 8217-2005 石油产品.燃料(F类).船用燃料规范.pdf (439.56 KB)

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