ISO 11269-2-2005 土壤质量.污染物对土壤植物群影响的测定.第2部分:化学品对高等植物的发芽和生长的影响

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标准号:ISO 11269-2-2005
英文名称:Soil quality - Determination of the effects of pollutants on soil flora - Part 2: Effects of chemicals on the emergence and growth of higher plants
被替代标准:ISO 11269-2-2012
代替标准:ISO 11269-2-1995;ISO/DIS 11269-2-2004
采用标准:DIN ISO 11269-2-2006,IDT;DIN ISO 11269-2-2004,IDT;BS ISO 11269-2-2006,IDT;NF X31-207-2-2006,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 190
标准简介:This part of ISO 11269 describes a method that is applicable to the determination of possible toxic effects of solid or liquid chemicals incorporated in soil on the emergence and early stages of growth and development of a variety of terrestrial plants. It does not give an indication of damage resulting from direct contact of seedlings with the chemical in the vapour or liquid phase outside the soil environment.
The method is also applicable to the comparison of soils of known and unknown quality. Information on how to adapt the method for this purpose is given in Annex B.

ISO 11269-2-2005 土壤质量.污染物对土壤植物群影响的测定.第2部分_化学品对高等植物的发芽和生长的影响.pdf (220.5 KB)

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