ISO 21148-2005 化妆品.微生物学.微生物检查的一般说明

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标准号:ISO 21148-2005
英文名称:Cosmetics - Microbiology - General instructions for microbiological examination
被替代标准:ISO 21148-2017
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 21148-2005
采用标准:DIN EN ISO 21148-2009,IDT;DIN EN ISO 21148-2009,IDT;ABNT NBR ISO 21148-2008,IDT;BS EN ISO 21148-2006,IDT;EN ISO 21148-2009,IDT;prEN ISO 21148-2009,IDT;PR NF T75-601,IDT;NF T75-601-2006,IDT;NF T75-601-2009,IDT;SN EN ISO 21148-2009,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 21148-2009,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 21148-2009,IDT;PN-EN ISO 21148-2009,IDT;SS-EN ISO 21148-2009,IDT;UNE-EN ISO 21148-2010,IDT;SANS 21148-2008,IDT;KS M ISO 21148-2007,IDT;GOST ISO 21148-2013,IDT;GOST R ISO 21148-2011,IDT;DS/EN ISO 21148-2009,IDT;UNI EN ISO 21148-2009-2009,IDT;UNI ISO 21148-2007-2007,IDT;STN EN ISO 21148-2009,IDT;SANS 21148-2008,IDT;SANS 21148-2008-2008,IDT;CSN ISO 21148-2008,IDT;DS/EN ISO 21148-2009,IDT;JS 1784-2008,MOD;NEN-EN-ISO 21148-2009 en-2009,IDT;NEN-ISO 21148-2005 en-2005,IDT;SANS 21148-2008-2008,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 217
标准简介:This International Standard gives general instructions for carrying out microbiological examinations of cosmetic products, in order to ensure their quality and safety, in accordance with an appropriate risk analysis (e.g. low water activity, hydro-alcoholic, extreme pH values).
Because of the large variety of products and potential uses within this field of application, these instructions might not be appropriate for some products in every detail (e.g. certain water-immiscible products).

ISO 21148-2005 化妆品.微生物学.微生物检查的一般说明.pdf (254.24 KB)

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