ISO 15817-2005 土方机械.远程驾驶员控制装置的安全要求

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标准号:ISO 15817-2005
英文名称:Earth-moving machinery - Safety requirements for remote operator control
被替代标准:ISO 15817-2012
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 15817-2005
采用标准:BS ISO 15817-2005,IDT;NF E58-175-2005,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 127
标准简介:This International Standard specifies the safety requirements for wireless and/or wired remote control systems, used on earth-moving machinery as defined in ISO 6165.
It does not apply to autonomous control systems that enable a machine to work without the assistance of an operator, but rather is applicable to machines controlled remotely by an operator. This International Standard does not apply to the remote control of attachments on non-remote controlled machines.
This International Standard does not specify performance criteria for the remote control system. Where "wireless control" or "wired control" features as a subclause title, the provisions of that subclause are applicable to the corresponding control only.

ISO 15817-2005 土方机械.远程驾驶员控制装置的安全要求.pdf (207.21 KB)

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