ISO 17228-2005 皮革.色牢度试验.加速老化中的颜色变化

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标准号:ISO 17228-2005
英文名称:Leather - Tests for colour fastness - Change in colour with accelerated ageing
被替代标准:ISO 17228-2015
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 17228-2004
采用标准:DIN EN ISO 17228-2006,IDT;DIN EN ISO 17228-2006,IDT;BS ISO 17228-2005,IDT;EN ISO 17228-2006,IDT;prEN ISO 17228-2005,IDT;NF G52-320-2006,IDT;G52-320PR,IDT;SN EN ISO 17228-2006,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 17228-2006,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 17228-2006,IDT;PN-EN ISO 17228-2006,IDT;PN-EN ISO 17228-2007,IDT;UNE-EN ISO 17228-2007,IDT;IULTCS/IUF 412,IDT
标准简介:Over time, the surface colour of leather and the leather itself change due to ageing and to the action of the surroundings on the leather. The purpose of the various ageing procedures described in this International Standard is to obtain an indication of the changes that could occur when leather is exposed to a certain environment for a prolonged time. The test conditions to be used depend on the type of leather and its intended use.

ISO 17228-2005 皮革.色牢度试验.加速老化中的颜色变化.pdf (186.52 KB)

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