ISO/IEC 9834-8-2005 信息技术.开放系统互连.OSI登记机构的操作规程:通用统一标识符(UUIDs)的生成、注册以及它们作为ASN.1对象标识符元件的使用

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标准号:ISO/IEC 9834-8-2005
英文名称:Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Procedures for the operation of OSI Registration Authorities: Generation and registration of Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) and their use as ASN.1 Object Identifier components
被替代标准:ISO/IEC 9834-8-2008
代替标准:ISO/IEC FDIS 9834-8-2004
采用标准:ITU-T X.667-2004,IDT;GOST R ISO/IEC 19784-1-2007,MOD
起草单位:ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6
标准简介:This Recommendation | International Standard specifies the format and generation rules that enable users to produce 128-bit identifiers that are either guaranteed to be globally unique, or are globally unique with a high probability.
The UUIDs generated in conformance with this Recommendation | International Standard are suitable either for transient use, with generation of a new UUID every 100 nanoseconds, or as persistent identifiers.
This Recommendation | International Standard is derived from earlier non-standard specifications of UUIDs and their generation, and is technically identical to those earlier specifications.
This Recommendation | International Standard specifies the procedures for the operation of a Web-based Registration Authority for UUIDs.
This Recommendation | International Standard also specifies and allows the use of UUIDs (registered or not registered) as OID components under the arc {joint-iso-itu-t uuid(25) }. This enables users to generate OIDs without any registration procedures.
This Recommendation | International Standard also specifies and allows the use of UUIDs (registered or not registered) to form a URN.

ISO_IEC 9834-8-2005 信息技术.开放系统互连.OSI登记机构的操作规程_通用统一标识符(UUIDs)的生成、注册以及它们作为ASN.1对象标识符元件的使用.pdf (403.48 KB)

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