ISO 13448-1-2005 基于优先分配原则(APP)的验收取样规程.第1部分:APP法指南

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标准号:ISO 13448-1-2005
英文名称:Acceptance sampling procedures based on the allocation of priorities principle (APP) - Part 1: Guidelines for the APP approach
被替代标准:ISO 28598-1-2017
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 13448-1-2004
采用标准:98/402026 DC-1998,IDT;BS ISO 13448-1-2005,IDT;KS Q ISO 13448-1-2009,IDT;KS Q ISO 13448-1-2016,IDT;DS/ISO 13448-1-2005,IDT;CSN ISO 13448-1-2006,IDT;DS/ISO 13448-1-2005,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 69
标准简介:This part of ISO 13448 provides guidelines specifying the organizational principles of acceptance sampling in
situations where the contract or the legislation provides for successive inspection to be carried out by different
parties: the supplier, the customer and/or a third party.
These guidelines are designed for inspection of populations of any product supplied or delivered in discrete
items in lots. They are applicable to
 supplier inspection (final inspection, product certification upon supplier’s request),
 customer inspection (incoming inspection, audit inspection, acceptance sampling),
 third-party inspection (certification of product, inspection and supervision for observance of International
Standard requirements, quality inspection carried out at the supplier, and/or customer, request),
where the quality levels and the lot acceptability criteria are specified unilaterally by the supplier or
contractually by the supplier and the customer.
These guidelines are also applicable to situations when only one sampling inspection is actually needed.
The guidelines provided by this part of ISO 13448 may be applied in developing standards on acceptance
sampling for standard inspection models, specific items or quality levels, as well as in developing contracts,
specifications and instructions. In contractual use of the APP, the parties concerned should acknowledge in
the contract that they approve of its principles (also by referring to the present guidelines). The parties may
also provide for the use of the APP in disputes and arbitration.

ISO 13448-1-2005 基于优先分配原则(APP)的验收取样规程.第1部分_APP法指南.pdf (322.84 KB)

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