ISO 19013-2-2005 内燃机燃料回路用橡胶软管和管.规范.第2部分:汽油

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标准号:ISO 19013-2-2005
英文名称:Rubber hoses and tubing for fuel circuits for internal combustion engines - Specification - Part 2: Gasoline fuels
被替代标准:ISO 19013-2-2016
代替标准:ISO 4639-1-1987;ISO/DIS 4639-1-1995;ISO 4639-2-1995;ISO 4639-3-1995;ISO/FDIS 19013-2-2004
采用标准:BS ISO 19013-2-2005,IDT;GB/T 24141.2-2009,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 45
标准简介:This part of ISO 19013 specifies the requirements for rubber tubing and hoses used in gasoline fuel circuits for internal combustion engines. The gasoline fuels covered include those containing oxygenates such as methanol and methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE) and fuels that have become oxidized ("sour gas"). In addition, this specification may also be applied as a classification system to enable original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to detail a "line call-out" of tests for specific applications where these are not covered by the main types specified (see example in Annex G). In this case, the hose or tubing would not carry any marking showing the number of this part of ISO 19013 but may detail the OEM's own identification markings as shown on their part drawings.

ISO 19013-2-2005 内燃机燃料回路用橡胶软管和管.规范.第2部分_汽油.pdf (259.43 KB)

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