ISO 534-2005 纸和纸板.厚度、密度和比容的测定

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标准号:ISO 534-2005
英文名称:Paper and board - Determination of thickness, density and specific volume
被替代标准:ISO 534-2011
代替标准:ISO 534-1988;ISO/FDIS 534-2004
采用标准:DIN EN ISO 534-2005,IDT;BS EN ISO 534-2005,IDT;EN ISO 534-2005,IDT;NF Q03-016-2005,IDT;SN EN ISO 534-2006,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 534-2005,IDT;PN-EN ISO 534-2005,IDT;PN-EN ISO 534-2007,IDT;UNE-EN ISO 534-2005,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 6
标准简介:This International Standard specifies two methods for measuring the thickness of paper and board:
a)    the measurement of a single sheet of paper or board as a single sheet thickness;
b)    the measurement of a pack of sheets of paper as a bulking thickness. It also specifies calculation methods
—   for the apparent sheet density and for the apparent bulk density, and
—   for the apparent specific sheet volume and for the apparent specific bulk volume
from the thickness determinations.
This International Standard is not applicable to corrugated fibreboard. In addition, method a) is not suitable for materials with a grammage higher than 225 g/m2.
NOTE 1      The two methods generally lead to different results.
NOTE 2      For tissue paper and tissue products, ISO 12625-3 should be used.

ISO 534-2005 纸和纸板.厚度、密度和比容的测定.pdf (185.31 KB)

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