ISO 8299-2005 核燃料技术.热电离质谱法测定硝酸溶液中核物质的同位素和元素铀和钚的浓度

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标准号:ISO 8299-2005
英文名称:Nuclear fuel technology - Determination of the isotopic and elemental uranium and plutonium concentrations of nuclear materials in nitric acid solutions by thermal-ionization mass spectrometry
代替标准:ISO 8299-1993;ISO/DIS 8299-2003
采用标准:SS-ISO 8299-2005,IDT;NEN-ISO 8299-2005 en-2005,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 85
标准简介:This method applies to the measurement of the isotopic composition and the concentration of uranium and plutonium in input solutions of irradiated Magnox and light water reactor fuels (boiling water reactor or pressurized water reactor), in final products at spent-fuel reprocessing plants and in feed and products of MOX and uranium fuel fabrication. The method is applicable to other fuels, but the chemical separation and spike solution are, if necessary, adapted to suit each type of fuel.

ISO 8299-2005 核燃料技术.热电离质谱法测定硝酸溶液中核物质的同位素和元素铀和钚的浓度.pdf (261.46 KB)

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