ISO 22868-2005 林用机械.带内燃机的便携手持式机械的噪声试验规范.工程法(2级准确度)

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标准号:ISO 22868-2005
英文名称:Forestry machinery - Noise test code for portable hand-held machines with internal combustion engine - Engineering method (Grade 2 accuracy)
被替代标准:ISO 22868-2011
代替标准:ISO 7182-1984;ISO 7917-1987;ISO 9207-1995;ISO 10884-1995;ISO/FDIS 22868-2004
采用标准:DIN EN ISO 22868-2006,IDT;DIN EN ISO 22868-2009,IDT;DIN EN ISO 22868-2003,IDT;DIN EN ISO 22868/A1-2008,IDT;BS EN ISO 22868-2005,IDT;BS EN ISO 22868-2006,IDT;BS EN ISO 22868-2010,IDT;GB/T 5390-2008,MOD;EN ISO 22868-2005,IDT;EN ISO 22868-2006,IDT;EN ISO 22868-2008,IDT;prEN ISO 22868-2008,IDT;NF U25-514-2005,IDT;NF U25-514-2007,IDT;NF U25-514-2009,IDT;SN EN ISO 22868-2005,IDT;SN EN ISO 22868-2007,IDT;SN EN ISO 22868-2009,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 22868-2005,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 22868-2006,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 22868-2009,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 22868-2006,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 22868-2008,IDT;PN-EN ISO 22868-2005,IDT;PN-EN ISO 22868-2006,IDT;PN-EN ISO 22868-2007,IDT;PN-EN ISO 22868-2009,IDT;UNE-EN ISO 22868-2006,IDT;UNE-EN ISO 22868-2009,IDT;GOST R ISO 22868-2007,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 23
标准简介:This International Standard specifies a noise test code for determining, efficiently and under standardized conditions, the noise emission characteristics of portable, hand-held, internal combustion-engine-powered forest machines such as chain-saws, brush-cutters and grass-trimmers. Noise emission characteristics include the A-weighted emission sound pressure level at the operator position and the A-weighted sound power level. The code is applicable for manufacturers' product controls as well as type tests. It is intended that the results obtained will be able to be used to compare different machines or different models of the same type of machine. Although the noise emission values determined are obtained in an artificial operation, they are representative of noise emission in a real work situation.

ISO 22868-2005 林用机械.带内燃机的便携手持式机械的噪声试验规范.工程法(2级准确度).pdf (316.59 KB)

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