ISO/IEC TR 9294-2005 信息技术.软件文档管理指南

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标准号:ISO/IEC TR 9294-2005
英文名称:Information technology - Guidelines for the management of software documentation
被替代标准:ISO/IEC/IEEE 26511-2011;ISO/IEC/IEEE 26511-2011
代替标准:ISO/IEC TR 9294-1990
起草单位:ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7
标准简介:This Technical Report (TR) offers guidance on the management of software documentation to managers
responsible for the production of software or software-based products. This guidance is intended to assist
managers in ensuring that effective documentation is produced in their organization.
This TR addresses the policies, standards, procedures, resources and plans with which managers must
concern themselves in order to manage software documentation effectively.
The guidance given is intended to be applicable to all types of software, from the simplest program to the most
complex software suite or software system. All types of software documentation are covered, relating to all
stages of the software life cycle.
The principles of software documentation management are the same whatever the size of a project. For small
projects, much of the detail given in this TR may not apply, but the principles remain the same. Managers may
tailor the recommendations to their particular needs.
The guidance given is from the point of view of software documentation management. Detailed advice is not
provided on, for example, the content and layout of software documents.

ISO_IEC TR 9294-2005 信息技术.软件文档管理指南.pdf (167.12 KB)

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