ISO/TR 21730-2005 健康信息学.保健设施中移动无线通信和计算技术的应用.关于医疗设备偶然电磁干扰管理的推荐

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标准号:ISO/TR 21730-2005
英文名称:Health informatics - Use of mobile wireless communication and computing technology in healthcare facilities - Recommendations for the management of unintentional electromagnetic interference with medical devices
被替代标准:ISO/TR 21730-2007
起草单位:ISO/TC 215
标准简介:This International Standard provides guidance for the deployment, use and management of mobile wireless communication and computing equipment in the healthcare facility in a way that helps mitigate potential hazards due to electromagnetic interference (EMI) with medical devices. The recommendations recognize the different resources, needs, concerns and environments of healthcare organizations around the world and provide detailed management guidelines for healthcare organizations that desire full deployment of mobile wireless communication and computing technology throughout their facility, as well as selective restrictions for healthcare organizations that have decided comprehensive management procedures are not feasible, practical, or desirable at the present time. The recommendations also distinguish between controlled systems used by doctors and staff for healthcare-specific communication and health informatics transport vs. non-controlled (personal) mobile wireless equipment randomly brought into the facility by visitors, patients, and the healthcare organization workforce.

ISO_TR 21730-2005 健康信息学.保健设施中移动无线通信和计算技术的应用.关于医疗设备偶然电磁干扰管理的推荐.pdf (329.77 KB)

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