ISO/TR 22520-2005 便携手持式林业用机械.驾驶室可测量的排放声压级.2002年比对数据

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标准号:ISO/TR 22520-2005
英文名称:Portable hand-held forestry machines - A-weighted emission sound pressure levels at the operator's station - Comparative data in 2002
起草单位:ISO/TC 23
标准简介:ISO/TR 22520 provides comparative data, obtained from various manufacturers and other official sources, for the year 2002, on the A-weighted emission sound pressure levels of portable hand-held forestry machinery. It is applicable to chain saws (for which the existing emission sound pressure levels were for the full range of engine sizes) and to brush-cutters and grass-trimmers. International Standards ISO 11681-1, ISO 11681-2 and ISO 11806 require that these machines be designed to generate noise levels as low as practicable, based on the existing noise emission data, and ISO/TR 22520 is intended to assist in determining compliance with that requirement.

ISO_TR 22520-2005 便携手持式林业用机械.驾驶室可测量的排放声压级.2002年比对数据.pdf (204.66 KB)

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