ISO 20022-2-2004 金融服务.通用金融工业信息规划.第2部分:注册机构的作用和责任

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标准号:ISO 20022-2-2004
英文名称:Financial services - UNIversal Financial Industry message scheme - Part 2: Roles and responsibilities of the registration bodies
被替代标准:ISO 20022-2-2007
采用标准:BS ISO 20022-2-2005,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 68
标准简介:This part of ISO 20022 specifies the responsibilities of the bodies involved in the registration and maintenance of the Data Dictionary and Business Process Catalogue items in the ISO 20022 Repository. The Registration Authority (RA) is the operating authority responsible for the above-mentioned tasks, and is assisted by different Standards Management Groups (SMG), i.e. groups of industry experts responsible for specific Business Areas of the Repository. The Registration Management Group (RMG) is the governing body of the overall registration process and the appeal body for the communities of users, the RA and the SMGs, and monitors the registration process performance.

ISO 20022-2-2004 金融服务.通用金融工业信息规划.第2部分_注册机构的作用和责任.pdf (594.97 KB)

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