ISO 13791-2004 建筑物的热性能.夏季无机械通风冷却时房间内部温度的计算.一般标准和确认程序

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标准号:ISO 13791-2004
英文名称:Thermal performance of buildings - Calculation of internal temperatures of a room in summer without mechanical cooling - General criteria and validation procedures
被替代标准:ISO 13791-2012
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 13791-2004
采用标准:DIN EN ISO 13791-2005,IDT;95/105441 DC-1995,IDT;BS EN ISO 13791-2006,IDT;EN ISO 13791-2004,IDT;NF P50-751-2005,IDT;SN EN ISO 13791-2004,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 13791-2005,IDT;PN-EN ISO 13791-2006,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 163
标准简介:This document specifies the assumptions, boundary conditions, equations and validation tests for a calculation
procedure, under transient hourly conditions, of the internal temperatures (air and operative) during the warm
period, of a single room without any cooling/heating equipment in operation. No specific numerical techniques are
imposed by this document. Validation tests are included in Clause 7. An example of a solution technique is given in
Annex A.
This document does not contain sufficient information for defining a procedure able to determine the internal
conditions of special zones such as attached sun spaces, atria, indirect passive solar components (Trombe walls,
solar panels) and zones in which the solar radiation may pass through the room. For such situations different
assumptions and more detailed solution models are needed (see Bibliography).

ISO 13791-2004 建筑物的热性能.夏季无机械通风冷却时房间内部温度的计算.一般标准和确认程序.pdf (1.2 MB)

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