ISO 4586-1-2004 装饰用高压叠层板材(HPL).热固性树脂制薄板.第1部分:分类和规范

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标准号:ISO 4586-1-2004
英文名称:High-pressure decorative laminates - Sheets made from thermosetting resins - Part 1: Classification and specifications
被替代标准:ISO 4586-8-2015;ISO 4586-7-2015;ISO 4586-6-2015;ISO 4586-5-2015;ISO 4586-4-2015;ISO 4586-3-2015;ISO 4586-1-2015
代替标准:ISO 4586-1-1997;ISO/FDIS 4586-1-2004;ISO 4586-1 AMD 3-2002
采用标准:JIS K 6903-2007,MOD;JIS K 6903-2008,MOD
起草单位:ISO/TC 61
标准简介:This part of ISO 4586 establishes a classification system for high-pressure decorative laminated sheets
according to their performance and main recommended fields of application, including materials with special
characteristics, for example postformability or defined reaction to fire.
This part of ISO 4586 also specifies requirements on the properties of the various types of laminate covered by
this classification. For several of the properties, more than one test method for checking the requirements is
given. These methods have been included to cover cases where the results given by alternative methods are
approximately equivalent, where expensive equipment of different types is already in satisfactory use, or where
experience is limited to only one of the methods in certain countries.
Requirements are specified for those types of material that are most generally used, but additional types may
be added as required. The limit values specified apply to the most commonly used types of material, but within
each classification it may be possible to obtain variants having much higher performance figures.
These materials are characterized by their decorative surfaces, which are relatively hard and resistant to wear,
scratching, impact, boiling water, domestic stains and moderate heat. They are intended for interior applications
as follows:
— thin single-faced laminates usually less than 2mm thick, for bonding to a substrate;
— compact laminates, single- or double-faced, approximately 2mm to 5mm thick, which need to be rigidly
supported without necessarily being bonded to a substrate;
— compact laminates, self-supporting, double-faced, usually thicker than 5mm, the thickness of which will be
selected according to application and panel dimensions.
The back surface of sheets having only one decorative face is made suitable for adhesive bonding to a
This part of ISO 4586 applies only to decorative laminated sheets as defined in Clause 3. ISO 4586-2 specifies
the methods of test relevant to this part of ISO 4586.

ISO 4586-1-2004 装饰用高压叠层板材(HPL).热固性树脂制薄板.第1部分_分类和规范.pdf (374.89 KB)

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