ISO/TR 21449-2004 内容交付和版权管理:音乐、电影、电视、录音和出版工业中使用的标识符和描述符的功能要求

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标准号:ISO/TR 21449-2004
英文名称:Content Delivery and Rights Management: Functional requirements for identifiers and descriptors for use in the music, film, video,sound recording and publishing industries
采用标准:GB/Z 25101-2010,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 46
标准简介:The business and information architectures outlined in this Technical Report are designed specifically to assist
organizations involved in the development and administration of identification and description schemas for
intellectual content and products in understanding the relationships between their organizations and other
content industry players involved in production, distribution, and rights management. This Technical Report
does not preclude the possibility of other perspectives on the same environments or other business and
information architectures designed to serve other purposes.
The functional requirements for identifiers and descriptors set out in this Technical Report are centred on
intra- and inter-industry business transactions relating to production, distribution, and rights management in
the content industries (i.e., the music, film, video, sound recording and publishing industries).
The information model presented in this Technical Report is focussed specifically on the requirements of the
originators, producers, distributors, registration authorities, and rights administrators involved in the
development and delivery of intellectual and artistic content. It does not reflect business functions such as
marketing and archiving, nor does it directly reflect transactions between secondary service providers such as
libraries, archives and museums.

ISO_TR 21449-2004 内容交付和版权管理_音乐、电影、电视、录音和出版工业中使用的标识符和描述符的功能要求.pdf (1.07 MB)

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