ISO 10958-2-2004 滑雪板.捆绑安装区.第2部分:刀片式滑雪板的要求和试验方法

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标准号:ISO 10958-2-2004
英文名称:Snowboards - Binding mounting area - Part 2: Requirements and test methods for snowboards with inserts
被替代标准:ISO 10958-2-2015
代替标准:ISO 10958-2-1999;ISO/FDIS 10958-2-2004
采用标准:DIN ISO 10958-2-2005,IDT;DIN ISO 10958-2-2003,IDT;NF S52-747-2-2004,IDT;OENORM ISO 10958-2-2005,IDT;OENORM ISO 10958-2-2005,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 83
标准简介:This part of ISO 10958 specifies requirements and test methods for snowboards on which bindings are attached by means of inserts that are not removable and screws.
This part of ISO 10958 does not apply to snowboards for children with a mass less then 25 kg.
It contains data for the manufacturer of snowboards, bindings and retention devices concerning dimensions, tests and other specifications for the binding mounting area.
For dimensions with no tolerance indicated, a tolerance of ±1 mm is valid.

ISO 10958-2-2004 滑雪板.捆绑安装区.第2部分_刀片式滑雪板的要求和试验方法.pdf (172.3 KB)

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