ISO 13555-3-2004 柴油发动机.柴油喷射装置动态计时的检验规程.第3部分:时间测量设备的检测

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标准号:ISO 13555-3-2004
英文名称:Diesel engines - Procedure for checking the dynamic timing of diesel fuel injection equipment - Part 3: Validation of timing measurement devices
采用标准:BS ISO 13555-3-2004,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 22
标准简介:This part of ISO 13555 specifies a test rig and reference method for the validation of timing measurement devices which, by application of the pressure-sensing principle on the high-pressure fuel injection pipe, are used for checking the dynamic setting of fuel injection equipment fitted to diesel engines. (In order to produce a realistic measurement situation, the test rig allows the addition of vibrational excitation of the high-pressure fuel injection pipe —deemed a primary source of signal corruption when used on running diesel engines.) The validation procedure can be used either in the initial approval of a timing measurement device or the verification of its proper functioning when already in use. The aim is to ensure that the devices supplied by different manufacturers provide comparable measurement results.

ISO 13555-3-2004 柴油发动机.柴油喷射装置动态计时的检验规程.第3部分_时间测量设备的检测.pdf (232.28 KB)

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