ISO 5351-2004 纸浆.铜乙二氨溶液中特性粘度值的测定

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标准号:ISO 5351-2004
英文名称:Pulps - Determination of limiting viscosity number in cupri-ethylenediamine (CED) solution
被替代标准:ISO 5351-2010
代替标准:ISO/DIS 5351-2003;ISO 5351-1-1981
采用标准:BS ISO 5351-2007,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 6
标准简介:This International Standard specifies a method which yields a number that is an estimate of the limiting viscosity number of pulp in a dilute cupri-ethylenediamine (CED) solution.
This method is primarily applicable to CED-soluble samples of bleached chemical pulps but can also be applied to any kind of pulp that dissolves completely in CED solution.
NOTE 1    The results can be used to estimate the extent of cellulose degradation caused by cooking or bleaching. Results obtained with samples containing appreciable amounts of substances other than cellulose must be interpreted with caution, however.
NOTE 2    In the strictest sense, viscosity measurement procedures are applicable only to the polysaccharide fraction of the sample. This notwithstanding, viscosity measurement can usually be used to obtain a result on unbleached pulps having lignin contents of up to 4 %, because most of these pulps can be successfully dissolved in CED. However, the simple fact that an unbleached pulp can be dissolved in CED does not mean the results are valid. In summary, viscosity results for pulps containing more than 0,5 % of lignin are not acceptable for technical specification purposes.

ISO 5351-2004 纸浆.铜乙二氨溶液中特性粘度值的测定.pdf (250.52 KB)

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