ISO 3858-2004 橡胶配合剂.炭黑.甲苯萃取液透光率的测定

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标准号:ISO 3858-2004
英文名称:Rubber compounding ingredients - Carbon black - Determination of light transmittance of toluene extract
被替代标准:ISO 3858-2008
代替标准:ISO/DIS 3858-2002;ISO 3858-1-1990;ISO 3858-2-1990
采用标准:BS ISO 3858-2004,IDT;NF T45-138-2006,IDT;T45-138PR,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 45
标准简介:This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of the light transmittance of the toluene extract from carbon black for use in the rubber industry, as a means of measuring the discolouration caused by the extractable matter.
The light transmittance value provides an estimate of the degree of discolouration caused by the toluene-extractable matter present on the surface of the carbon black.
This method may not be applicable to carbon blacks with a high extractable-matter content.

ISO 3858-2004 橡胶配合剂.炭黑.甲苯萃取液透光率的测定.pdf (154.73 KB)

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