ISO 1652-2004 橡胶胶乳.用布洛氏布洛克菲尔德试验方法测定表观粘度

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标准号:ISO 1652-2004
英文名称:Rubber latex - Determination of apparent viscosity by the Brookfield test method
被替代标准:ISO 1652-2011
代替标准:ISO 1652-1985;ISO/FDIS 1652-2004
采用标准:DIN ISO 1652-2010,IDT;BS ISO 1652-2004,IDT;GB/T 14797.2-2008,MOD;NF T42-011-2005,IDT;T42-011PR,IDT;JIS K 6901-2008,MOD
起草单位:ISO/TC 45
标准简介:This part of ISO 1641 specifies the general dimensions of the following milling cutters with 7/24 taper shanks:
—  end mills, flat-ended or ball-nosed — standard series and long series (manual changers);
—  slot drills — short series and standard series (manual changers);
—  end mills, flat-ended — standard series and long series (automatic changers).
Characteristics of 7/24 taper are in accordance with ISO 297 for manual changers and ISO 7388-1 for automatic changers.
NOTE  These same milling cutters with cylindrical shanks are dealt with in ISO 1641-1, and those with Morse taper shank having a tapped hole in ISO 1641-2.

ISO 1652-2004 橡胶胶乳.用布洛氏布洛克菲尔德试验方法测定表观粘度.pdf (169.59 KB)

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