ISO 16387-2004 土壤质量.污染物对线蚓科的影响.对繁殖和存活率影响的测定

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标准号:ISO 16387-2004
英文名称:Soil quality - Effects of pollutants on Enchytraeidae (Enchytraeus sp.) - Determination of effects on reproduction and survival
被替代标准:ISO 16387-2014
代替标准:ISO/DIS 16387-2002
采用标准:DIN ISO 16387-2004,IDT;DIN ISO 16387-2002,IDT;BS ISO 16387-2004,IDT;NF X31-209-2004,IDT;X31-209PR,IDT;PN-ISO 16387-2010,IDT;UNE-ISO 16387-2010,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 190
标准简介:This International Standard describes a method for determining the effects of substances or contaminated soils on reproduction and on survival of the worm Enchytraeus albidus (Enchytraeidae). The animals are exposed to the substances by dermal and alimentary uptake using a defined artificial soil substrate to which specified amounts of that substance are added, or by using a soil substrate of unknown quality.
This International Standard is applicable to test substances that are either insoluble or soluble in water, although the method of application differs. The method is not applicable to volatile test substances, i.e. substances for which H (Henry's constant) or the air/water partition coefficient is greater than 1, or for which the vapour pressure exceeds 0,013 3 Pa at 25 ℃. The water solubility and the vapour pressure of the test substance should be known. Additionally, information on the persistence of the test substance in soil is desirable.
NOTE 1    Basic information on the ecology and ecotoxicology of Enchytraeidae in the terrestrial environment can be found in the bibliographic references.
NOTE 2    The stability of the test substance cannot be ensured over the test period. No provision is made in the test method for monitoring the persistence of the test substance.
NOTE 3    Recommendations for adapting the method to comparing or monitoring soil quality are given in Annex B.

ISO 16387-2004 土壤质量.污染物对线蚓科的影响.对繁殖和存活率影响的测定.pdf (1.09 MB)

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