ISO 5391-2003 风动工具和机器.词汇

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标准号:ISO 5391-2003
英文名称:Pneumatic tools and machines - Vocabulary
代替标准:ISO 5391-1988;ISO/FDIS 5391-2003
采用标准:BS ISO 5391-2004,IDT;GB/T 6247.1-2013,MOD;NF E51-350-2004,IDT;SS-ISO 5391-2004,IDT;KS B ISO 5391-2005,IDT;NEN-ISO 5391-2004 en;fr-2004,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 118
标准简介:This International Standard provides a vocabulary for the various types of pneumatic tools and machines, and the attachments that are used with them. The terms are given by category: general, tools for removing and shaping material (portable and fixed, rotary and percussive), tools for assembly work (portable rotary and reciprocating percussive), tools for lifting, and miscellaneous.
NOTE  The use of the terms "tool" and "machine" could be confusing in the field of pneumatic power tools. "Pneumatic tool" is used for hand-held machines and "pneumatic machine" for larger machines, often suspended or mounted. However, "tool" is also used for the inserted drill, file, chisel, etc. which is fitted to the machine spindle. In order to differentiate between pneumatic tool and inserted tool, the term "power tool" can be used for the former.

ISO 5391-2003 风动工具和机器.词汇.pdf (529.71 KB)

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