ISO 8499-2003 针织物.疵点的描述.词汇

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标准号:ISO 8499-2003
英文名称:Knitted fabrics - Description of defects - Vocabulary
代替标准:ISO 8499-1990;ISO/DIS 8499-2002
采用标准:GB/T 24117-2009,IDT;SS-ISO 8499-2003,IDT;SANS 8499-2004,IDT;KS K ISO 8499-2014,IDT;TS ISO 8499-2005,IDT;SANS 8499-2004;SABS ISO 8499-2004-2004,IDT;NEN-ISO 8499-2003 en;fr-2003,IDT;SANS 8499-2004;SABS ISO 8499-2004-2004,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 38
标准简介:This International Standard describes defects which commonly appear during the inspection of knitted fabrics.
A defect is a fault that would reduce the expected performance of the knitted fabric or, if it appeared in a prominent position in an article made from the fabric, would readily be seen and rejected by a prospective purchaser.
Except where otherwise stated the descriptions apply to defects appearing in both weft-knitted and warp-knitted fabrics.
NOTE  In addition to terms used in two of the three official ISO languages (English and French), this International Standard gives the equivalent terms in the German language in Annex A; these are published under the responsibility of the member body for Germany (DIN). However, only the terms and definitions given in the official languages can be considered as ISO terms and definitions.

ISO 8499-2003 针织物.疵点的描述.词汇.pdf (362.55 KB)

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