ISO 589-2003 硬煤.总水分的测定

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标准号:ISO 589-2003
英文名称:Hard coal - Determination of total moisture
被替代标准:ISO 589-2008
代替标准:ISO 589-1981;ISO/FDIS 589-2003
采用标准:GOST R 52911-2008,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 27
标准简介:This International Standard describes two methods for the determination of the total moisture content of hard coals. Depending on the coal rank, there may be systematic differences between the results obtained by applying different methods on subsamples of the same sample. Methods using a nitrogen atmosphere are suitable for all hard coals; methods with drying in air are only suitable for hard coals not susceptible to oxidation.
NOTE The term "not susceptible to oxidation" cannot be defined easily. Usually, coals very high in rank are not oxidized under the conditions described in this standard. For all other types of coal this has to be verified by experiments.

ISO 589-2003 硬煤.总水分的测定.pdf (192.52 KB)

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