ISO 2360-2003 非磁性导电基体上非导体覆盖层.镀层厚度的测量.振幅灵敏性涡流法

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标准号:ISO 2360-2003
英文名称:Non-conductive coatings on non-magnetic electrically conductive basis materials - Measurement of coating thickness - Amplitude-sensitive eddy current method
被替代标准:ISO 2360-2017
代替标准:ISO 2360-1982;ISO/FDIS 2360-2003
采用标准:DIN EN ISO 2360-2004,IDT;BS EN ISO 2360-2003,IDT;EN ISO 2360-2003,IDT;NF A91-113-2004,IDT;SN EN ISO 2360-2003,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 2360-2004,IDT;PN-EN ISO 2360-2006,IDT;SS-EN ISO 2360-2003,IDT;UNE-EN ISO 2360-2004,IDT;TS 2674 EN ISO 2360-2005,IDT;DS/EN ISO 2360-2004,IDT;UNI EN ISO 2360-2004-2004,IDT;STN EN ISO 2360-2004,IDT;CSN EN ISO 2360-2004,IDT;DS/EN ISO 2360-2004,IDT;NEN-EN-ISO 2360-2003 en-2003,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 107
标准简介:This International Standard describes a method for non-destructive measurements of the thickness of non-conductive coatings on non-magnetic, electrically conductive (generally metallic) basis materials, using amplitude-sensitive eddy current instruments.
NOTE  This method can also be used to measure non-magnetic metallic coatings on non-conductive basis materials.
The method is particularly applicable to measurements of the thickness of most oxide coatings produced by anodizing, but is not applicable to all conversion coatings, some of which are too thin to be measured by this method (see Clause 6).
Although theoretically, the method can be used for measurements of the thickness of coatings on magnetic basis materials, its use for this application is not recommended. In such cases, the magnetic method specified in ISO 2178 should be used.

ISO 2360-2003 非磁性导电基体上非导体覆盖层.镀层厚度的测量.振幅灵敏性涡流法.pdf (199.78 KB)

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