ISO/TR 20983-2003 信息和文献工作.电子图书馆服务用性能指示符

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标准号:ISO/TR 20983-2003
英文名称:Information and documentation - Performance indicators for electronic library services
被替代标准:ISO 11620-2008
采用标准:UNE-ISO/TR 20983 IN-2006,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 46
标准简介:This Technical Report is applicable to all types of libraries in all countries. Limitations on the applicability of individual performance indicators are listed in the scope clause of the description of each indicator (see Annex B).
Indicators may be used for comparison over time for the services provided by the same library. Comparisons between libraries and services should only be made with caution, taking into account differences in the constituencies of the libraries, with good understanding of the indicators used, and careful interpretation of the data.
This Technical Report does not include indicators for the evaluation of the impact of libraries either on individuals or on society.
Throughout the text, the names of indicators are printed with initial capitals for significant words, e.g. Workstation Use Rate. This helps to distinguish the names from supporting text.

ISO_TR 20983-2003 信息和文献工作.电子图书馆服务用性能指示符.pdf (296.69 KB)

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