ISO/TR 14047-2003 环境管理.生物圈影响评价.ISO 14042应用示例

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标准号:ISO/TR 14047-2003
中文名称:环境管理.生物圈影响评价.ISO 14042应用示例
英文名称:Environmental management - Life cycle impact assessment - Examples of application of ISO 14042
被替代标准:ISO/TR 14047-2012
采用标准:CAN/CSA-ISO/TR 14047-04-2004,IDT;PKN-ISO/TR 14047-2006,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 207
标准简介:This Technical Report provides examples to illustrate current practice in carrying out a life cycle impact assessment in accordance with ISO 14042. These are only examples of the total possible "ways" to satisfy the provisions of ISO 14042. They reflect the key elements of the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) phase of the LCA.
NOTE      The examples presented in this Technical Report are not exclusive; other examples exist to illustrate the methodological issues described.

ISO_TR 14047-2003 环境管理.生物圈影响评价.ISO 14042应用示例.pdf (3.87 MB)

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