ISO 284-2003 输送带.导电率.规范和试验方法

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标准号:ISO 284-2003
英文名称:Conveyor belts - Electrical conductivity - Specification and test method
被替代标准:ISO 284-2012
代替标准:ISO 284-1982;ISO/FDIS 284-2003
采用标准:DIN EN ISO 284-2004,IDT;BS EN ISO 284-2003,IDT;EN ISO 284-2003,IDT;NF T47-109-2004,IDT;SN EN ISO 284-2003,IDT;OENORM EN ISO 284-2004,IDT;PN-EN ISO 284-2004,IDT;UNE-EN ISO 284-2004,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 41
标准简介:This  International Standard specifies the maximum  electrical  resistance of a conveyor belt and the corresponding test method.
The test is intended to ensure that the belt is sufficiently conductive to avoid the accumulation of electrical static charge which may be developed during service use.
This International Standard is not suitable or applicable to light conveyor belts as described by EN 873t1], the static electrical properties of which are measured by EN 1637P1.

ISO 284-2003 输送带.导电率.规范和试验方法.pdf (179.87 KB)

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