ISO 10303-42-2003 工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和交换.第42部分:集成通用资源:几何学和拓扑学表示

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标准号:ISO 10303-42-2003
英文名称:Industrial Automation Systems and Integration - Product Data Representation and Exchange - Part 42: Integrated Generic Resource: Geometric and Topological Representation (Third Edition)
被替代标准:ISO 10303-42-2014
代替标准:ISO 10303-42-2000;ISO/FDIS 10303-42-2003;ISO 10303-42 Technical Corrigendum 3-2001
采用标准:GOST R ISO/TC 10303-1050-2009,MOD;GOST R ISO/TC 10303-1052-2009,MOD;GOST R ISO/TC 10303-1102-2009,MOD;GOST R ISO/TC 10303-1131-2009,MOD
起草单位:ISO/TC 184
标准简介:This part of ISO 10303 specifies the resource constructs for the explicit geometric and topological representation of the shape of a product. The scope is determined by the requirements for the explicit representation of an ideal product model; tolerances and implicit forms of representation in terms of features are out of scope. The geometry in clause 4 and the topology in clause 5 are available for use independently and are also extensively used by the various forms of geometric shape model in clause 6. In addition, this part of ISO 10303 specifies specialisations of the concepts of representation where the elements of representation are geometric.
1      Geometry
The following are within the scope of the geometry schema:
—  definition of points, vectors, parametric curves and parametric surfaces;
—  definition of finite volumes with internal parametrisation;
—  definition of transformation operators;
—  points defined directly by their coordinate values or in terms of the parameters of an existing curve or surface;
—  definition of conic curves and elementary surfaces;
—  definition of curves defined on a parametric surface;
—  definition of general parametric spline curves, surfaces and volumes;
—  definition of point, curve and surface replicas;
—  definition of offset curves and surfaces;
—  definition of intersection curves.
The following are outside the scope of this part of ISO 10303:
—  all other forms of procedurally defined curves and surfaces;
—  curves and surfaces which do not have a parametric form of representation;
—  any form of explicit representation of a ruled surface.
NOTE  For a ruled surface the geometry is critically dependent upon the parametrisation of the bound-ary curves and the method of associating pairs of points on the two curves. A ruled surface with B-spline boundary curves can however be exactly represented by the B-spline surface entity.
2      Topology
The following are within the scope of the topology schema:
—  definition of the fundamental topological entities vertex, edge, and face, each with a specialised subtype to enable it to be associated with the geometry of a point, curve, or surface, respectively;
—  collections of the basic entities to form topological structures of path, loop and shell and constraints to ensure the integrity of these structures;
—  orientation of topological entities.
3      Geometric Shape Models
The following are within the scope of the geometric model schema:
—  data describing the precise geometric form of three-dimensional solid objects;
—  constructive solid geometry (CSG) models;
—  CSG models in two-dimensional space;
—  definition of CSG primitives and half-spaces;
—  creation of solid models by sweeping operations;
—  manifold boundary representation (B-rep) models;
—  constraints to ensure the integrity of B-rep models;
—  surface models;
—  wireframe models;
—  geometric sets;
—  creation of a replica of a solid model in a new location.
The following are outside the scope of this part of ISO 10303:
—  non-manifold boundary representation models;
—  spatial occupancy forms of solid models (such as octree models);
—  assemblies and mechanisms.

ISO 10303-42-2003 工业自动化系统和集成.产品数据表示和交换.第42部分_集成通用资源_几何学和拓扑学表示.pdf (11.53 MB)

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