ISO 10840-2003 塑料.标准燃烧试验的使用指南

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标准号:ISO 10840-2003
英文名称:Plastics - Guidance for the use of standard fire tests
被替代标准:ISO 10840-2008
代替标准:ISO/TR 10840-1993;ISO/DIS 10840-2001;ISO/TR 10840 Technical Corrigendum 1-1995
采用标准:BS ISO 10840-2003,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 61
标准简介:This International Standard covers the following aspects of fire testing:
—   selection of appropriate test(s);
—   listing of reaction-to-fire characteristics which the test(s) can measure;
—   assessment of the test(s) for their suitability for material characterization, quality control, pre-selection and/or end-product testing;
—   problems that can arise when plastics specimens are tested in standard fire tests.
Particular attention is given to the provision of guidance for inexperienced users who may need to assess the fire performance of materials or products made of, or incorporating, plastics. This International Standard also provides answers to frequently asked questions concerning standard fire tests; these cover factors such as cost, test duration, complexity, required operator skills, quality of the data produced, relevance to fire hazard assessment as well as test repeatability and reproducibility. Preparation of this International Standard has involved a review and assessment of the most frequently used fire tests applied to the materials and products within the scope of ISO/TC 61/SC 4.
The main focus in this International Standard is on reaction-to-fire testing. Fire-resistance testing has also been considered, however, in order to take account of the widespread use of advanced polymer composites and related materials with superior thermo-mechanical stability which may be used in applications where there is a demand for some degree of fire resistance. Further development of such plastics composites and related products will predictably increase the demand for fire-resistance testing.
The scope of this International Standard does not include the development or design of fire tests for plastics.

ISO 10840-2003 塑料.标准燃烧试验的使用指南.pdf (274.52 KB)
