ISO 15592-3-2003 细切烟草及其烟制品.抽样、调节和分析方法.第3部分:用常规分析吸烟机测定烟制品中颗粒物质总量、水和烟碱测定的准备和无烟碱干燥颗粒物质的计算

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标准号:ISO 15592-3-2003
英文名称:Fine-cut tobacco and smoking articles made from it - Methods of sampling, conditioning and analysis - Part 3: Determination of total particulate matter of smoking articles using a routine analytical smoking machine, preparation for the determination of water and nicotine, and calculation of nicotine-free dry particulate matter
被替代标准:ISO 15592-3-2008
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 15592-3-2002
采用标准:DIN ISO 15592-3-2005,IDT;BS ISO 15592-3-2003,IDT;NF V37-043-3-2003,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 126
标准简介:This part of ISO 15592 specifies methods for the determination of total particulate matter and preparation for the subsequent determination of nicotine-free dry particulate matter present in the smoke from articles made from fine-cut tobacco, generated and collected using a routine analytical smoking machine.
It specifies the method for the classification of unknown wrappers by comparison of fine-cut smoking articles made using them with those made using a standard wrapper.
It specifies the method of making of fine-cut tobacco smoking articles using specified wrappers both with and without attached filters, and the method of determination of the yield of a fine-cut smoking article made using a loose filter and tobacco inserted into a wrapper.

ISO 15592-3-2003 细切烟草及其烟制品.抽样、调节和分析方法.第3部分_用常规分析吸烟机测定烟制品中颗粒物质总量、水和烟碱测定的准备和无烟碱干燥颗粒物质的计算.pdf (365.02 KB)

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