ISO 14793-2003 道路车辆.重型商用车辆和汽车.横向瞬态响应试验方法

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标准号:ISO 14793-2003
英文名称:Road vehicles - Heavy commercial vehicles and buses - Lateral transient response test methods
被替代标准:ISO 14793-2011
采用标准:BS ISO 14793-2003,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 22
标准简介:This International Standard specifies test methods for determining the transient response behaviour of heavy commercial vehicles, heavy commercial vehicle combinations, buses and articulated buses, as defined in ISO 3833 for trucks and trailers above 3,5t and buses above 5t maximum weight, and in UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) and EC vehicle classification, categories M3, N2, N3, O3 and O4.
NOTE    The open-loop manoeuvres specified in this International Standard are not representative of real driving conditions, but are nevertheless useful for obtaining measures of vehicle transient behaviour — particularly with respect to that which the driver experiences — in response to several specific types of steering input under closely controlled test conditions. For combinations where the response of the last vehicle unit is of importance, see ISO 14791.

ISO 14793-2003 道路车辆.重型商用车辆和汽车.横向瞬态响应试验方法.pdf (503.06 KB)

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