ISO/TS 11405-2003 牙科材料.牙齿结构的附着力试验

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标准号:ISO/TS 11405-2003
英文名称:Dental materials - Testing of adhesion to tooth structure
被替代标准:ISO/TS 11405-2015
代替标准:ISO/TR 11405-1994
采用标准:XP S91-239-2004,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 106
标准简介:This Technical Specification gives guidance on substrate selection, storage and handling as well as essential characteristics of different test methods for quality testing of the adhesive bond between restorative dental materials and tooth structure, i.e. enamel and dentine. It specifies two bond strength measurements tests (tensile and shear), a test for measurement of marginal gaps around fillings and a microleakage test, as well as giving recommendations on clinical usage tests for such materials, it also presents some specific test methods for bond strength measurements.

ISO_TS 11405-2003 牙科材料.牙齿结构的附着力试验.pdf (222.96 KB)

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