ISO 6162-1-2002 液压传动.带分离式或一体式法兰夹和米制或英制螺纹的凸缘连接器.第1部分:压力为3.5MPa至35MPa(35巴至350巴)、DN 13-DN 127时使用的凸缘连接器

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标准号:ISO 6162-1-2002
中文名称:液压传动.带分离式或一体式法兰夹和米制或英制螺纹的凸缘连接器.第1部分:压力为3.5MPa至35MPa(35巴至350巴)、DN 13-DN 127时使用的凸缘连接器
英文名称:Hydraulic fluid power - Flange connectors with split or one-piece flange clamps and metric or inch screws - Part 1: Flange connectors for use at pressures of 3,5 MPa (35 bar) to 35 MPa (350 bar), DN 13 to DN 127
被替代标准:ISO 6162-1-2012
代替标准:ISO 6162-1994;ISO/FDIS 6162-1-2002
采用标准:DIN ISO 6162-1-2006,IDT;DIN ISO 6162-1-2004,IDT;BS ISO 6162-1-2002,IDT;NF E48-055-1-2003,IDT;SN ISO 6162-1-2005,IDT;SN ISO 6162-1/AC-2005,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 131
标准简介:This part of ISO 6162 specifies complete general and dimensional characteristics for flange heads, split flange clamps (FCS), one-piece flange clamps (FC) and ports applicable to four-screw, split and one-piece flange clamp type tube and hose connectors for use at pressures of 3,5 MPa (35 bar<up1)>) to 35 MPa (350 bar). It also specifies the dimensions of the seals to be used, as well as the grooves to house the seal.
This part of ISO 6162 also recognizes the need to accommodate metric (type 1) screw fasteners, as well as to provide a means to use existing inch (type 2) screw fasteners.
These connectors are intended for application in hydraulic systems on industrial and commercial products, where it is desired to avoid the use of threaded connectors.
Surges of pressure higher than the nominal ratings will reduce the ability of the flange connectors to retain the hydraulic fluid. This shall be taken into account in the design of the hydraulic system.
note: 1) 1 bar = 0,1 MPa = 10<up5> Pa; 1 Pa = 1 N/m<up2>.

ISO 6162-1-2002 液压传动.带分离式或一体式法兰夹和米制或英制螺纹的凸缘连接器.第1部分_压力为3.5MPa至35MPa(35巴至350巴)、DN 13-DN 127时使用的凸缘连接器.pdf (419.4 KB)

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