ISO/TS 14934-1-2002 对火反应的试验.辐射计和热通量仪的校准和使用.第1部分:通则

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标准号:ISO/TS 14934-1-2002
英文名称:Reaction-to-fire tests - Calibration and use of radiometers and heat flux meters - Part 1: General principles
被替代标准:ISO 14934-1-2010
起草单位:ISO/TC 92
标准简介:This Technical Specification gives guidelines for calibration and use of radiometers and heat flux meters in fire testing and for correction of the sensitivity function due to convection effects.
It briefly describes the calibration methods, the most commonly used types of radiometers and heat flux meters, and the fire tests in which these transducers are used.
This Technical Specification is applicable to total hemispherical radiometers, total heat flux meters of Schmidt-Boelter (thermopile) and Gardon (foil) type. It applies only to instruments having plane receivers and does not apply to receivers in the form of wires, spheres, etc.

ISO_TS 14934-1-2002 对火反应的试验.辐射计和热通量仪的校准和使用.第1部分_通则.pdf (736.15 KB)

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