ISO 18914-2002 成像材料.摄影胶片和相纸.摄影感光乳剂耐湿磨性的测定方法

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标准号:ISO 18914-2002
英文名称:Imaging materials - Photographic film and papers - Method for determining the resistance of photographic emulsions to wet abrasion
被替代标准:ISO 18914-2013
代替标准:ISO/FDIS 18914-2002
采用标准:BS ISO 18914-2002,IDT;GB/T 9861-2008,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 42
标准简介:This International Standard specifies a laboratory test method for determining the resistance of photographic emulsions or gelatin backings to abrasion damage during processing.
This method may be used to determine the effects of variations in processing solutions, gelatin layer properties, processing solution temperatures and times, or a combination of these factors, on the wet scratch resistance of gelatin layers.
This method is applicable to the determination of the physical integrity of photographic emulsions when wet, but it is not applicable to the evaluation of the scratch resistance of the support material.

ISO 18914-2002 成像材料.摄影胶片和相纸.摄影感光乳剂耐湿磨性的测定方法.pdf (255.24 KB)

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