ISO/TS 20119-2002 道路车辆.中心管理量化的试验方法.直线驱动离差矩阵的测定

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标准号:ISO/TS 20119-2002
英文名称:Road vehicles - Test methods for the quantification of on-centre handling - Determination of dispersion metrics for straight-line driving
起草单位:ISO/TC 22
标准简介:This Technical Specification specifies a test schedule that addresses certain aspects of the on-centre handling characteristics of a vehicle, on-centre handling being used to describe the steering "feer and precision of the vehicle during nominally straight-line driving and in negotiating large-radius bends at high speeds but low lateral accelerations. It is applicable to passenger cars in accordance with ISO 3833, and to light trucks.
NOTE      The manoeuvres specified are not necessarily representative of real driving conditions but are useful for obtaining measures of vehicle on-centre handling behaviour in response to several specific types of steering input under closely controlled test conditions. Other aspects of on-centre handling are addressed in the companion ISO 13674-1 and ISO 13674-2 (under preparation).

ISO_TS 20119-2002 道路车辆.中心管理量化的试验方法.直线驱动离差矩阵的测定.pdf (193.17 KB)

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