ISO 2929-2002 油槽车排吸油用橡胶软管和软管组件.规范

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标准号:ISO 2929-2002
英文名称:Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for bulk fuel delivery by truck - Specification
被替代标准:ISO 2929-2014
代替标准:ISO 2929-1991;ISO/FDIS 2929-2002
采用标准:BS ISO 2929-2003,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 45
标准简介:This International Standard specifies the requirements for two groups of rubber hoses and rubber hose assemblies for loading and discharge of liquid hydrocarbon fuels with a maximum working pressure of 10 bar (1,0 MPa).
Both groups of hoses are designed for:
a)  use with hydrocarbon fuels having an aromatic-hydrocarbon content not exceeding 50 % by volume and containing up to 15 % of oxygenated compounds;
b)  operation within the temperature range of -30 ℃ to + 70 ℃, undamaged by climatic conditions of -50 ℃ to + 70 ℃ when stored in static conditions.
NOTE  Hoses for use at temperatures lower than -30 ℃ should be the subject of discussion between manufacturer and end user.
This International Standard is not applicable to hoses and hose assemblies for LPG systems, aviation fuel systems, fuel station systems or marine applications.

ISO 2929-2002 油槽车排吸油用橡胶软管和软管组件.规范.pdf (203.43 KB)

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