ISO 7452-2002 热轧结构钢板.尺寸和形状公差

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标准号:ISO 7452-2002
英文名称:Hot-rolled structural steel plates - Tolerances on dimensions and shape
被替代标准:ISO 7452-2013
代替标准:ISO 7452-1984;ISO/DIS 7452-2000
采用标准:GB/T 709-2006,NEQ;JIS G 3193-2005,MOD;JIS G 3193-2008,MOD
起草单位:ISO/TC 17
标准简介:This International Standard specifies requirements for tolerances for hot-rolled steel plates made on a reversing mill (excluding stainless steels) with the following characteristics:
a)  nominal thickness ≥ 4 mm but ≤ 400 mm;
b)  nominal width ≥ 600 mm;
c)  specified minimum yield strength ≤ 700 N/mm<up2>.
Tolerances for products of width < 600 mm, cut or slit from plate, should be agreed between manufacturer and purchaser at the time of inquiry and order.
Tolerances on dimensions and shape of steel plates having a specified minimum yield stress greater than 700 N/mm<up2> should be the subject of agreement at the time of inquiry and order.
This International Standard does not include continuous mill products, custom-made plate, checker plate or bulb plate for flooring or wide flats.
It does not apply to continuous hot-rolled steel plates as defined in specific International Standards (see ISO 4995, ISO 4996, ISO 5951, ISO 5952).

ISO 7452-2002 热轧结构钢板.尺寸和形状公差.pdf (216.88 KB)

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