ISO 15638-3-2013 智能运输系统.管制的商业货运车辆(TARV)协同远程信息处理应用软件框架.第3部分:管制服务提供者的运行要求、'批准机关'规程及强制性条款

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标准号:ISO 15638-3-2013
英文名称:Intelligent transport systems - Framework for collaborative telematics applications for regulated commercial freight vehicles (TARV) - Part 3: Operating requirements, 'Approval Authority' procedures, and enforcement provisions for the providers of regulated services
代替标准:ISO/DIS 15638-3-2012
采用标准:BS ISO 15638-3-2013,IDT;CSN ISO 15638-3-2014,IDT;NEN-ISO 15638-3-2013 en-2013,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 204
标准简介:This part of ISO 15638 defines provisions to enable monitoring and enforcement of regulated vehicles and approval authority [4.4] approval procedures, specifically:
a)Definition of the roles and responsibilities of key entities: user, service provider, jurisdictions, and ‘Approval Authorities’
b)Operating requirements ensuring that a cooperative in-vehicle platform can deliver a range of services to both government and industry through open standards and competitive markets
c)Basic service requirements for service providers [4.27] that are generic and independent of a specific application
d)Requirements for the approval authority [4.4] approval of IVSs and service providers [4.27]
e)Legal, regulatory, and enforcement aspects.

ISO 15638-3-2013 智能运输系统.管制的商业货运车辆(TARV)协同远程信息处理应用软件框架.第3部分_管制服务提供者的运行要求、'批准机关'规程及强制性条款.pdf (794.18 KB)

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