ISO 8038-2011 显微镜.物镜及物镜座螺纹

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标准号:ISO 8038-2011
英文名称:Microscopes - Screw threads for objectives and related nosepieces
被替代标准:ISO 8038-2013
代替标准:ISO/DIS 8038-2010;ISO 8038-1-1997;ISO 8038-2-2001
采用标准:BS ISO 8038-2011,IDT
起草单位:ISO/TC 172
标准简介:This International Standard specifies the dimensions of screw thread types for connecting a microscope
objective to the nosepiece.
NOTE 1 The use of these screw thread types is recommended for microscopes unless other fittings are required for
optical or design reasons.
NOTE 2 A specific combination of eyepiece, objective and tube lens (if provided, e.g. in an infinity-corrected optical
system) is frequently used to correct aberrations. Therefore the combination of an objective from one manufacturer and
the tube lens or eyepiece from another manufacturer, although conforming to this International Standard, may cause error
in magnification and/or loss of image quality.

ISO 8038-2011 显微镜.物镜及物镜座螺纹.pdf (298.15 KB)

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