CISPR 18-2 AMD 1-1993 修改件1 高架电线和高压设备的无线干扰特性.第2部分:规定限值测试方法和程序

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标准号:CISPR 18-2 AMD 1-1993
中文名称:修改件1 高架电线和高压设备的无线干扰特性.第2部分:规定限值测试方法和程序
英文名称:Amendment 1
Radio interference characteristics of overhead power lines and high-voltage equipment
Part 2: Methods of measurement and procedure for determining limits
被替代标准:CISPR/TR 18-2-2010
标准简介:This amendment has been prepared by CISPR sub-committee C: Interference from
overhead power lines, high-voltage equipment and electric traction systems.
The text of this amendment is based on the following documents:
Full information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in the
voting reports indicated in the above table.
    NOTE - The present amendment introduces two new clauses into publication CISPR 18-2. They regard
    the methods for derivation of limits for the radio noise due to HVDC lines (clause 3) and procedures for
    determining limits of radio noise produced by insulator sets (clause 4).
    Clause 2 of CISPR 18-2 in general, and more specifically subclause 2.3, present methods for derivation of
    limits for radio noise produced by overhead power lines. The indications given under clause 2 are to be
    considered mainly relevant to a.c. lines while the new clause 3 of the present amendment is specifically
    relevant to HVDC lines.
    Besides, subciause 2.7 of 18-2 gives some generic indications about the procedures for determining limits
    of radio noise produced by insulator sets. This matter is more specifically addressed in the new clause 4 of
    the present amendment.
    For the above reasons some repetitions may be found in the new clauses 3 and 4. These repetitions allow
    an easier reading of the amendment which is written as a self-standing document.

CISPR 18-2 AMD 1-1993 修改件1 高架电线和高压设备的无线干扰特性.第2部分_规定限值测试方法和程序.pdf (2.36 MB)

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