IEC 60393-5-1992 电子设备用电位器 第5部分:分规范:单圈旋转线绕和非线绕低功率电位器

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标准号:IEC 60393-5-1992
中文名称:电子设备用电位器 第5部分:分规范:单圈旋转线绕和非线绕低功率电位器
英文名称:Potentiometers for Use in Electronic Equipment Part 5: Sectional Specification: Single-Turn Rotary Low-Power Wirewound and Non-Wirewound Potentiometers (Edition 2.0; (Same As IECQ QC 410300))
被替代标准:IEC 60393-5-2015
代替标准:IEC 60393-5-1978
采用标准:BS QC 410300-1992,IDT;GB/T 16515-1996,IDT;JIS C 5260-1996,MOD;JIS C 5260-5-2000,MOD;JIS C 6443-1995,MOD;JIS C 6444-1991,NEQ;JIS C 6445-1995,MOD;PN-IEC 393-5-1997,IDT
起草单位:IEC/TC 40
标准简介:Relates to single-turn rotary low-power wirewound and non-wirewound potentiometers with a rated dissipation normally smaller than 10 W, intended for use in electronic equipment. Describes preferred ratings and characteristics. Selects from IEC Publicatio

IEC 60393-5-1992 电子设备用电位器 第5部分_分规范_单圈旋转线绕和非线绕低功率电位器.pdf (2.5 MB)

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