IEC 60068-2-51-1983 基本环境试验规程 第2-51部分:试验 试验Z/BFc:散热和非散热试样的干热/振动(正弦)组合试验

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标准号:IEC 60068-2-51-1983
中文名称:基本环境试验规程 第2-51部分:试验 试验Z/BFc:散热和非散热试样的干热/振动(正弦)组合试验
英文名称:Basic environmental testing procedures; part 2: tests; test Z/BFc: combined dry heat/vibration (sinusoidal) tests for both heat-dissipating and non-heat-dissipating specimens
被替代标准:IEC 60068-2-53-2010
采用标准:DIN EN 60068-2-51-2000,IDT;DIN IEC 60068-2-51-1985,IDT;BS 2011-2.1Z/BFc-1984,IDT;BS EN 60068-2-51-2000,IDT;GB/T 2423.36-2005,NEQ;EN 60068-2-51-1999,IDT;prEN 60068-2-51-1999,IDT;NF C20-751-2000,IDT;HD 323.2.51 S1-1987,IDT;JIS C 0037-1997,IDT;JIS C 60068-2-51-1997,IDT;SEV-ASE 3302-2-51-1985,IDT;SN EN 60068-2-51-1999,IDT;OEVE HD 323.2.51 S1-1990,IDT;OEVE/OENORM EN 60068-2-51-2000,IDT;UNE 20501-2-51-1986,IDT;UNE-EN 60068-2-51-2000,IDT;GOST R 51804-2001,MOD;DS/IEC 68-2-51-1986,IDT;NEN 10068-2-51-1984,IDT
起草单位:IEC/TC 104
标准简介:The tests included are basically a combination of test Fc: Vibration (Sinusoidal) and Tests B: Dry Heat. The procedures are limited to the case of specimens which reach temperature stability during exposure to high temperature conditions. Provides a stan

IEC 60068-2-51-1983 基本环境试验规程 第2-51部分_试验 试验Z_BFc_散热和非散热试样的干热_振动(正弦)组合试验.pdf (1.07 MB)

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